Elena Unger



As seen in Vogue Gallery, December 22’ British Vogue

VOGUE Gallery Feature

Elena has been featured in the December 22’ issue of British Vogue.

“How many angels can fit on the head of a pin? Elena Unger’s masterful paintings use the language of high romanticism to draw you into their sublime scenes. Closer inspection of the paintings reveal immense detail alongside myriads of hidden figures. Found in collections and galleries worldwide, Unger’s work continually surprises and delights.”


Saatchi Gallery Show

Elena made her Saatchi Gallery debut in October. The exhibition spanned one week. Elena represented Canada in the StArt Ghost Booth.

Artist in Residence at London’s Oldest Church

Elena was recently appointed to the post of Artist in Residence at Saint Bartholomew the Great. For more information see https://www.greatstbarts.com/artist-in-residence-elena-unger/